USA Missions
Alton C. Bristow
Administrative Liaison
Alabama USA Missions exists “to develop and implement programs and ministries in soul winning, church planting and church growth that will assist the local church to reach and reap the harvest of the 21st Century.” The New Testament images of the church are: a body, a family, a flock, a community, and an army. God has called His Church to; (1) Love the Lord with all your heart; (2) Love your neighbor as yourself; (3) Go and make disciples; (4) Baptize them; and (5) Teach them to obey. These five basic elements of ministry demonstrate to the world a very productive and effective faith. For this reason, we exist to edify, encourage, exalt, equip and evangelize.
Evangelism Board
FRONT ROW: Mike Cleckler, Freddie Edwards, Bishop Al Bristow, Danny Garrison, Jason Browning
SECOND ROW: Keith Stanford, Ken Hall
Not Pictured: Wayne Sheppard
Church Planting (PDF Format)
Church Planting Application (PDF Format)
Satellite Model Church (PDF Format)
Restart Based Church (PDF Format)
25 Questions for Church Planters (PDF Format)
Email us if you would like a New Church Orientation Packet.
Retired Ministers / Couple / Widows | Church Adoption Plan (iCARE)
The Plan:
To develop a partnership between the state and local ministries of Alabama to care for our retiree’s and widows. It is our desire to; (1) see that local Church of God congregations across Alabama become iCARE congregations by adopting our retired ministers, couples and widows so that they may continue to receive the resources, encouragement and prayer covering that they need; and (2) that Women’s Ministries in Alabama partner with local leadership to add further support and care for our widows. Our goal is that every retired minister, couple and widow be adopted by a local church in Alabama.
The Promise:
Because we care enough not to forget their sacrifice and labor, we promise to connect our retirees and widows with Alabama Pastors and take every step necessary to insure that they remain a vital part of the Church of God in Alabama.
The Process:
1. Financial: We will seek 110 local iCARE congregations to make a financial commitment of $2,400.00 annually or $200.00 per month to adopt one or more of our retired ministers, couples or widows in Alabama. By doing so, they will enable them to receive the following support:
- Financial assistance to attend Camp Meeting
- Financial assistance to attend Prayer Conference
- Financial assistance to attend General Assembly
- Receive an annual Christmas offering and banquet
- Receive C+ Insurance supplement
2. Relational: By becoming an iCARE Church, we will ask each iCARE congregation to be relational by:
- Utilizing retirees in mentoring opportunities
- Hosting retired ministers to speak and giving them a love offerings as determined by the Senior Pastor
3. Spiritual: Because spiritual care is our greatest need, we will ask all of our iCARE congregations to attend to the spiritual needs as they arise by:
- Praying for them
- Visit them during times of sickness or bereavement
- Provide counseling during times of crisis
- Provide resources such as books, tapes or CD’s of special services, Camp Meetings or Prayer Conference for their spiritual nourishment
Home: 205-590-2716 | Cell: 205-420-9093
- Joey Turman, Chairman
- Roger Daniel
- Bruce LeVan
- Joseph Schuck
Chaplaincy Articles:
Chaplaincy an Open Door (PDF Format)
Differentiation (PDF Format)
Pain and Possibilities (PDF Format)
Suicide is Not Painless (PDF Format)
Ministry Report (PDF Format)
Prison Ministry
Ministry Report (PDF Format)
LifeBuilders Ministry
Ministry Report (PDF Format)
Mission Church
Ministry Report (PDF Format)